Contesting the Amazon as an ‘Open Space for Development’

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In this blog post, Dr Lee Pegler and Julienne Andrade Widmarck discuss the sustainability of the movement of products globally through global value chains.

The use of land for soya cultivation in the Brazilian Amazon has led to compelling debates on the sustainability of the movement of products globally through global value chains (GVC) and the democratic processes surrounding these.

All of us, in the Global North and Global South alike, have played a role in stimulating the expansion of GVCs in the Amazon that has led to an increase in the precarity of livelihoods, landlessness, and health/environmental problems. Without sustained and imaginative strategies by local and transnational social movements, this disjuncture between the market, sustainable futures, and democratic processes may simply widen.

Read the post - Contesting the Amazon as an ‘Open Space for Development’

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