Financial inclusion of urban street vendors in Kigali

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by Diane Irankunda and Peter van Bergeijk

During the summer of 2017 we studied financial inclusion of street vendors in the Nyarugenge District (Kigali, Rwanda), a group of underprivileged that very often cannot be reached by traditional surveys or a census. Street vending is prohibited in the Kigali, Rwanda Nyarugenge District, and during the field work several raids by local security agencies were observed. Just a few weeks after the field work, street vending was officially forbidden.  Our fieldwork offers a unique and no longer existing opportunity to survey street vending as a truly informal activity in this area. The peer reviewed publication of our innovative multimethod field research appeared in Journal of African Business.

Read full article: Financial inclusion of urban street vendors in Kigali

Professor of International Economics and Macroeconomics at the ISS
Diane Irankunda
Former student at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in Economics of Development
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