The long-term impact goal of this training is to strengthen sexual and gender-based violence (S&GBV) rights and justice education and training capacity in Northern Uganda. In doing so, the training aims to contribute to improved prevention and response to S&GBV and sustainable human capital development in the region. To reach this aim, STEPS for JLOS will:
Improve the S&GBV knowledge, skills and expertise of judicial experts, community security agencies, community leaders, cultural leaders, NGOs/CBOs, health workers, professionals and supporting staff in the handling and implementation of policy reforms and legal cases;
Sustain and extend the efforts to strengthen capacity of Higher Education Institutions to deliver gender and youth sensitive programs and curricula in prevention, mitigation, and response to S&GBV. This includes the ongoing support of the Master Trainers who were trained during the SET-SRHR project.
The STEPS for JLOS project focuses on strengthening capacity for Sexual and Gender-based Violence (S&GBV) prevention and response in Northern Uganda. S&GBV is a priority theme within the post conflict Ugandan context.
Combatting rape, early marriage, intimate partner violence, child abuse and disease
For eighteen years there was a cyclical war between the Lord’s Resistance Army and the central government in Northern Uganda. During this time there was a high prevalence of rape, early marriages, intimate partner violence, child abuse and vulnerability to diseases.
Although S&GBV is a priority topic and most women in Northern Uganda have experienced some form of S&GBV, issues persist. Of particular concern is that the health sector, the justice, law and order sectors (JLOS), and community-based leaders currently do not have the capacity to adequately respond to S&GBV issues.
The Centre for SET-SRHR at Lira University and Capacity Development Partners (CDP), both located in Northern Uganda, therefore requested a training specifically aimed at strengthening their education and training capacity for S&GBV prevention and response.
The STEPS for JLOS project
The STEPS for JLOS consortium developed a tailor-made training which aimed to improve the knowledge and skills and shift the attitudes of about 150 S&GBV actors to address S&GBV issues in Northern Uganda. The training curriculum is gender- and age sensitive and was designed and validated for the JLOS sector by project partners. The curriculum responds to a needs assessment that was conducted in the region and builds on existing training infrastructure in Northern Uganda.
Master Trainers were selected and trained in the ISS-awarded Post Graduate Diploma Program to cascade this curriculum to S&GBV actors at two levels:
- Institutional for Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS), including Security, correctional, welfare and judicial officers and prosecutors; and
- Leadership-in-action training for a range of community influencers such as cultural and religious leaders, women and youth leaders, village health workers, and local government councillors.
The training approach aims to transform participants’ attitudes while strengthening their knowledge, skills and their collective efficacy in preventing and mitigating S&GBV.
The STEPS for JLOS project started in April 2021 and ended in October 2022.

The STEPS for JLOS project is implemented by a consortium led by the International Institute of Social Studies in collaboration with the following partners:
- Centre for Strengthening Education and Training in SRHR at Lira University, Uganda
- Capacity Development Partners (CDP), Uganda
- African Governance Institute (AFRUGI), the Netherlands

NUFFIC has awarded €300,000 to the STEPS for JLOS Tailor-Made Training (TMT+) through the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP). An additional €20,000 was contributed by project partners.
About 62% of the total grant is allocated to local partners in Uganda.