The politics of international development

A Development Research seminar with Dr Majed Akhter
Associate professor
Dr Majed Akhter
Lecturer in environment and society Find out more about Majed Akhter
Tuesday 28 Nov 2023, 16:15 - 17:30
Spoken Language
Room 4.39
International Institute of Social Studies
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Majed Akhter

In this Development Research Seminar Dr Majed Akhter examines the contentious history of dams built in the 20th century and the politics of international development.

He is particularly interested in how large inter-regional infrastructures have shaped the development programmes and imaginative geographies of a succession of imperial powers in Asia. Britain, Japan, the US, and most recently China have all tried to imagine Asia as an imperfectly integrated region that could be rearranged through the construction of a variety of large physical infrastructures, such as ports, railways, highways and energy networks.

His research on inter-Asian infrastructures was prompted by a political debate in Pakistan about the infusion of Chinese capital into the country, under the umbrella of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Would this flood of capital be good for the country’s economy and political development – or would it lock Pakistan into a dependent and damaging relationship to a stronger power? 

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The Development Research seminars present cutting-edge research on development studies by noted scholars from around the world. The Series aims to stimulate critical discussion about contemporary development issues.

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