A Magna Cum Laude economist and ISS graduate, she has held key roles in Argentina's government. Lucía says, 'studying at ISS was an important stepping stone in my career. It allowed me to put what I thought were local problems into a global perspective.' Read more about her journey and impact on gender policy.

Lucía graduated with an MA degree from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) with distinction in December 2017, majoring in Social Policy. Her journey started with a research project at ISS, where she focused on parental leave policies aiming at gender equality and the care economy within LGBTQI families. After returning to Argentina, Lucía continued her advocacy for the establishment of an inclusive care system.
Reflecting on her time at ISS, Lucía emphasizes its transformative impact, 'studying at ISS was an important stepping stone in my career. It allowed me to put what I thought were local problems into a global perspective. I feel that I learned about the most advanced discussions in development, social inclusion, and gender policies and that this allowed me to return to my country and design public policies of national scope. I was able to put my research paper learning into practice by assuming a position in the Argentine civil service, in the specific area I had studied at the ISS.'
In 2020, Lucía made history by becoming Argentina's first National Director of Care Policies, later advancing to the position of Undersecretary of Equality Policies (2022-2023) within the first Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity. She was in charge of designing and leading policies such as REGISTRADAS (for domestic workers), 'Cuidar en Igualdad' (care system), 'Sello Igualar' (equality in companies), Progresar (universal students cash transfer policy), and many others. Lucía's debut book, "Economía para Sostener la Vida" (Economics for Sustaining Life), published in 2023, explores feminist economics, connecting her ISS thesis to her gender policy management work.
'All those titles are worthless if they are not put at the service of working for more equality, in all senses.'
Additionally, Lucía has achieved great success in establishing 'Parity in Macroeconomics,' Argentina's pioneering association of female economists. Through this initiative, she aims to bring a feminist perspective to the traditionally male-dominated field of macroeconomics. She is also a teacher at UBA and the TEA School of Journalism.
Lucía thinks that all those titles are worthless if they are not put at the service of working for more equality, in all senses. Her journey underscores education's ability to catalyze change. As we celebrate her accomplishments, we look forward to the enduring impact she will make in creating a more equitable world.