Pandemic Economics - preparing for the next pandemic

Peter van Bergeijk - 2021
Professor Peter van Bergeijk

Discussing the Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDs, SARS and Ebola against the background of COVID-19, Pandemic Economics demonstrates how scientists consistently warned the world about pandemics, and how, despite this, the possibility of global lockdown caused unprecedented economic policies and ruin.

The book prepares for the next pandemic, that unquestionably will arrive, the impact of which is predicted to potentially exceed that of the current COVID-19 wreckage.

Pandemic Economics reflects upon the certainty of a new pandemic in the future and the need to prepare ourselves for that.

Highlighting how economic theory can anticipate a pandemic’s impact despite the uncertainty and unreliability of traditional statistics, Peter van Bergeijk assesses the lack of preparation by international economic institutions and the ability for humanity to deeply hurt the economy by its response to infectious disease.

Pandemic Economics - Peter van Bergeijk

Chapters offer an overview and critical analysis of global non-pharmaceutical interventions and economic policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking forward, the book investigates the economic impact, policy (in)effectiveness and resilience in different social contexts, illustrating a pandemic trilemma of health, freedom and the economy.

It suggests how to prepare for the next pandemic at the individual level, in city planning, nationally, internationally and globally, with a focus on analyzing the impact of pandemics from a global perspective.

More about the book from the publisher's website

See also this seminar and discussion about the topics dealt with in the book

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