Prof. dr. van Doorslaer has extensive experience with robust impact evaluations of health care financing reforms in low and middle-income countries. Using household and health facility data, the effects of reforms such as health insurance, performance based financing, and voucher schemes are being evaluated. Econometric techniques are applied to ensure robust impact estimates in settings where a randomized control trial is not feasible.
Dr. Tanja AJ Houweling has extensive experience in equity impact evaluations of health interventions using randomised controlled trials and non-experimental designs. In a series of policy evaluations Prof. Arjun Bedi and colleagues at the International Institute of Social Studies have evaluated the impact of Ethiopia’s community-based health insurance scheme on household welfare and health.
Research on the health and socio-economic consequences of infectious diseases
Prof.dr. Jan Hendrik Richardus and Prof.dr. Sake de Vlas at the Dept. Public Health lead research on the health and socio-economic consequences of infectious diseases and the cost-effectiveness of their control. A core activity is the development of simulation models describing the transmission and natural history of infectious diseases, and application of these models to predict the impact of control measures. The team collaborates with scientific, governmental and non-governmental organisations worldwide, and has contributed to the evaluation and development of control programs for infectious diseases in different settings. Infectious diseases covered include, among others, HIV, TB, and Neglected Tropical Diseases such as onchocerciasis, leprosy and leishmaniasis.
A Road to Sustainable Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Effectiveness of Health Care Reform in Indonesia

EquiNaM: building evidence to support equitable improvement in newborn and maternal health

Evaluating the Impact of Risk Information and Screening on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in the Philippines