The ORIO project aims at improving maternal and neonatal health and reduce mortality in Ethiopia’s Wollega region.
The intervention focuses on the supply-side and includes upgrading of 18 health centers in Wollega Zone (province) of Western Ethiopia such that these centers can provide Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEmONC).
Furthermore, investments are made to improve the referral system, emergency accessibility (ambulances), and basic supplies of health posts. Health workers are provided with training to improve their capacity to both adequately recognize and treat risk factors/complications during pregnancy and delivery.
To evaluate the impact of a set of maternal health interventions (training, equipment, provision of maternity waiting homes) on utilization of maternal health care.
Among other outcomes, greater use of ante-natal and post-natal care services, increase in institutional deliveries.
Involved Researchers & Departments
- International Institute of Social Sciences - Prof. Dr. Arjun Bedi & Dr. Natascha Wagner
- Health Economics, ESHPM - Dr. Igna Bonfrer
- Department of Applied Economics, ESE - Jenny Kudymowa
- Public Health, Erasmus MC - Dr. Tanja Houweling
- External - Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer (University of Göttingen), Siobhan Doria (Central European University), Prof. Dr. Getnet Alemu (Addis Ababa University)
Countries Involved
Ethiopia, the Netherlands
Facility for Infrastructure Development (ORIO), Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Budget: EUR 478,000.
Contact Info

- Email address
- bedi@iss.nl