Hao Zhang is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Before joining ISS, she was a master’s student majoring international affairs at School of Global Policy and Strategy at University of California, San Diego. Her current research focus on policy advocacy of Chinese NGOs in global climate governance. Her research interests lie in Chinese politics, global climate politics and diplomacy.
International Institute of Social Studies
Scholarship student | ISS PhD
- Room
- I1-14
- Location
- Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage
More information
- Hao Zhang (2024) - NGO strategy, policy networks, and climate policymaking process in China - Frontiers in Political Science, 6 - doi: 10.3389/fpos.2024.1331663 - [link]
- Yanbai Li & Hao Zhang (2022) - Amid the US-Sino rivalry: how high is the risk of a deglobalisation trajectory for China? - [link]
- Hao Zhang (2022) - China and Climate Multilateralism: A Review of Theoretical Approaches - Politics and Governance, 10 (2), 50-60 - doi: 10.17645/pag.v10i2.4920 - [link]
- Hao Zhang (2022) - China at UN COPs: COP26 recap and COP27 forecast
- Hao Zhang (2022) - Webinar: Developing Countries in the Liberal International Order: China and Climate Multilateralism: A Review of Theoretical Approaches - [link]
- Hao Zhang, Xiangyi Wang , Ting Xu & Zhengyan Wang (2021) - 中国环保社会组织参与气候治理的现状调查报告
- H (Hao) Zhang, Xiangyi Wang , Ting Xu & Zhengyan Wang (2021) - 中国环保社会组织参与气候治理的现状调研报告
- Hao Zhang (2021) - Book Review Essay: Women, Urbanization, and sustainability: Practices of Survival, Adaptation, and Resistance<sup>1</sup> - Journal of International Women's Studies, 22 (7), 158-160 - [link]